Chapter 8 - Before the Project

At the very beginning of a project, you and the team need to learn the requirements. Simply being told what to do or listening to users is not enough: read Topic 45, The Requirements Pit and learn how to avoid the common traps and pitfalls.

Conventional wisdom and constraint management are the topics of Topic 46, Solving Impossible Puzzles. Whether you are performing requirements, analysis, coding, or testing, difficult problems will crop up. Most of the time, they won't be as difficult as they first appear to be.

And when that impossible project comes up, we like to turn to our secret weapon: Topic 47, Working Together. And by “working together” we don't mean sharing a massive requirements document, flinging heavily cc'd emails or enduring endless meetings. We mean solving problems together while coding. We'll show you who you need and how to start.

Even though the Agile Manifesto begins with “Individuals and interactions over processes and tools,” virtually all “agile” projects begin with an ironic discussion of which process and which tools they'll use. But no matter how well thought out it is, and regardless of which “best practices” it includes, no method can replace thinking. You don't need any particular process or tool, what you do need is the Topic 48, The Essence of Agility.

With these critical issues sorted out before the project gets under way, you can be better positioned to avoid “analysis paralysis” and actually begin—and complete—your successful project.

Topic 45. The Requirements Pit

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add but when there is nothing left to take away...

Antoine de St. Exupery, Wind, Sand, and Stars, 1939

Many books and tutorials refer to requirements gathering as an early phase of the project. The word “gathering” seems to imply a tribe of happy analysts, foraging for nuggets of wisdom that are lying on the ground all around them while the Pastoral Symphony plays gently in the background. “Gathering” implies that the requirements are already there—you need merely find them, place them in your basket, and be merrily on your way.

It doesn't quite work that way. Requirements rarely lie on the surface. Normally, they're buried deep beneath layers of assumptions, misconceptions, and politics. Even worse, often they don't really exist at all.

Tip 75: No One Knows Exactly What They Want

The Requirements Myth

In the early days of software, computers were more valuable (in terms of amortized cost per hour) than the people who worked with them. We saved money by trying to get things correct the first time. Part of that process was trying to specify exactly what we were going to get the machine to do. We'd start by getting a specification of the requirements, parlay that into a design document, then into flowcharts and pseudo code, and finally into code. Before feeding it into a computer, though, we'd spend time desk checking it.

It cost a lot of money. And that cost meant that people only tried to automate something when they knew exactly what they wanted. As early machines were fairly limited, the scope of problems they solved was constrained: it was actually possible to understand the whole problem before you started.

But that is not the real world. The real world is messy, conflicted, and unknown. In that world, exact specifications of anything are rare, if not downright impossible.

That's where we programmers come in. Our job is to help people understand what they want. In fact, that's probably our most valuable attribute. And it's worth repeating:

Tip 76: Programmers Help People Understand What They Want

Programming as Therapy

Let's call the people who ask us to write software our clients.

The typical client comes to us with a need. The need may be strategic, but it is just as likely to be a tactical issue: a response to a current problem. The need may be for a change to an existing system or it may ask for something new. The need will sometimes be expressed in business terms, and sometimes in technical ones.

The mistake new developers often make is to take this statement of need and implement a solution for it.

In our experience, this initial statement of need is not an absolute requirement. The client may not realize this, but it is really an invitation to explore.

Let's take a simple example.

You work for a publisher of paper and electronic books. You're given a new requirement:

Shipping should be free on all orders costing $50 or more.

Stop for a second and imagine yourself in that position. What's the first thing that comes to mind?

The chances are very good that you had questions:

That's what we do. When given something that seems simple, we annoy people by looking for edge cases and asking about them.

The chances are the client will have already thought of some of these, and just assumed that the implementation would work that way. Asking the question just flushes that information out.

But other questions will likely be things that the client hadn't previously considered. That's where things get interesting, and where a good developer learns to be diplomatic.


We were wondering about the $50 total. Does that include what we'd normally charge for shipping?


Of course. It's the total they'd pay us.


That's nice and simple for our customers to understand: I can see the attraction. But I can see some less scrupulous customers trying to game that system.


How so?


Well, let's say they buy a book for $25, and then select overnight shipping, the most expensive option. That'll likely be about $30, making the whole order $55. We'd then make the shipping free, and they'd get overnight shipping on a $25 book for just $25.

(At this point the experienced developer stops. Deliver facts, and let the client make the decisions,)


Ouch. That certainly wasn't what I intended; we'd lose money on those orders. What are the options?

And this starts an exploration. Your role in this is to interpret what the client says and to feed back to them the implications. This is both an intellectual process and a creative one: you're thinking on your feet and you're contributing to a solution that is likely to be better than one that either you or the client would have produced alone.

Requirements Are a Process

In the previous example, the developer took the requirements and fed-back a consequence to the client. This initiated the exploration. During that exploration, you are likely to come up with more feedback as the client plays with different solutions. This is the reality of all requirements gathering:

Tip 77: Requirements Are Learned in a Feedback Loop

Your job is to help the client understand the consequences of their stated requirements. You do that by generating feedback, and letting them use that feedback to refine their thinking.

In the previous example, the feedback was easy to express in words. Sometimes that's not the case. And sometimes you honestly won't know enough about the domain to be as specific as that.

In those cases, Pragmatic Programmers rely on the “is this what you meant?” school of feedback. We produce mockups and prototypes, and let the client play with them. Ideally the things we produce are flexible enough that we can change them during our discussions with the client, letting us respond to “that isn't what I meant” with “so more like this?”

Sometimes these mockups can be thrown together in an hour or so. They are obviously just hacks to get an idea across.

But the reality is that all of the work we do is actually some form of mockup. Even at the end of a project we're still interpreting what our client wants. In fact, by that point we're likely to have more clients: the QA people, operations, marketing, and maybe even test groups of customers.

So the Pragmatic Programmer looks at all of the project as a requirements gathering exercise. That's why we prefer short iterations; ones that end with direct client feedback. This keeps us on track, and makes sure that if we do go in the wrong direction, the amount of time lost is minimized.

Walk in Your Client's Shoes

There's a simple technique for getting inside your clients' heads that isn't used often enough: become a client. Are you writing a system for the help desk? Spend a couple of days monitoring the phones with an experienced support person. Are you automating a manual stock control system? Work in the warehouse for a week.[70]

As well as giving you insight into how the system will really be used, you'd be amazed at how the request “May I sit in for a week while you do your job?'' helps build trust and establishes a basis for communication with your clients. Just remember not to get in the way!

Tip 78: Work with a User to Think Like a User

Gathering feedback is also the time to start to build a rapport with your client base, learning their expectations and hopes for the system you are building. See Topic 52, Delight Your Users, for more.

Requirements vs. Policy

Let's imagine that while discussing a Human Resources system, a client says “Only an employee's supervisors and the personnel department may view that employee's records.” Is this statement truly a requirement? Perhaps today, but it embeds business policy in an absolute statement.

Business policy? Requirement? It's a relatively subtle distinction, but it's one that will have profound implications for the developers. If the requirement is stated as “Only supervisors and personnel can view an employee record,” the developer may end up coding an explicit test every time the application accesses this data. However, if the statement is “Only authorized users may access an employee record,” the developer will probably design and implement some kind of access control system. When policy changes (and it will), only the metadata for that system will need to be updated. In fact, gathering requirements in this way naturally leads you to a system that is well factored to support metadata.

In fact, there's a general rule here:

Tip 79: Policy Is Metadata

Implement the general case, with the policy information as an example of the type of thing the system needs to support.

Requirements vs. Reality

In a January 1999 Wired magazine article,[71] producer and musician Brian Eno described an incredible piece of technology—the ultimate mixing board. It does anything to sound that can be done. And yet, instead of letting musicians make better music, or produce a recording faster or less expensively, it gets in the way; it disrupts the creative process.

To see why, you have to look at how recording engineers work. They balance sounds intuitively. Over the years, they develop an innate feedback loop between their ears and their fingertips—sliding faders, rotating knobs, and so on. However, the interface to the new mixer didn't leverage off those abilities. Instead, it forced its users to type on a keyboard or click a mouse. The functions it provided were comprehensive, but they were packaged in unfamiliar and exotic ways. The functions the engineers needed were sometimes hidden behind obscure names, or were achieved with nonintuitive combinations of basic facilities.

This example also illustrates our belief that successful tools adapt to the hands that use them. Successful requirements gathering takes this into account. And this is why early feedback, with prototypes or tracer bullets, will let your clients say “yes, it does what I want, but not how I want.”

Documenting Requirements

We believe that the best requirements documentation, perhaps the only requirements documentation, is working code.

But that doesn't mean that you can get away without documenting your understanding of what the client wants. It just means that those documents are not a deliverable: they are not something that you give to a client to sign off on. Instead, they are simply mileposts to help guide the implementation process.

Requirements Documents Are Not for Clients

In the past, both Andy and Dave have been on projects that produced incredibly detailed requirements. These substantial documents expanded on the client's initial two-minute explanation of what was wanted, producing inch-thick masterpieces full of diagrams and tables. Things were specified to the point where there was almost no room for ambiguity in the implementation. Given sufficiently powerful tools, the document could actually be the final program.

Creating these documents was a mistake for two reasons. First, as we've discussed, the client doesn't really know what they want up front. So when we take what they say and expand it into what is almost a legal document, we are building an incredibly complex castle on quicksand.

You might say “but then we take the document to the client and they sign off on it. We're getting feedback.” And that leads us to the second problem with these requirement specifications: the client never reads them.

The client uses programmers because, while the client is motivated by solving a high-level and somewhat nebulous problem, programmers are interested in all the details and nuances. The requirements document is written for developers, and contains information and subtleties that are sometimes incomprehensible and frequently boring to the client.

Submit a 200-page requirements document, and the client will likely heft it to decide if it weighs enough to be important, they may read the first couple of paragraphs (which is why the first two paragraphs are always titled Management Summary), and they may flick through the rest, sometimes stopping when there's a neat diagram.

This isn't putting the client down. But giving them a large technical document is like giving the average developer a copy of the Iliad in Homeric Greek and asking them to code the video game from it.

Requirements Documents Are for Planning

So we don't believe in the monolithic, heavy-enough-to-stun-an-ox, requirements document. We do, however, know that requirements have to be written down, simply because developers on a team need to know what they'll be doing.

What form does this take? We favor something that can fit on a real (or virtual) index card. These short descriptions are often called user stories. They describe what a small portion of the application should do from the perspective of a user of that functionality.

When written this way, the requirements can be placed on a board and moved around to show both status and priority.

You might think that a single index card can't hold the information needed to implement a component of the application. You'd be right. And that's part of the point. By keeping this statement of requirements short, you're encouraging developers to ask clarifying questions. You're enhancing the feedback process between clients and coders before and during the creation of each piece of code.


Another big danger in producing a requirements document is being too specific. Good requirements are abstract. Where requirements are concerned, the simplest statement that accurately reflects the business need is best. This doesn't mean you can be vague—you must capture the underlying semantic invariants as requirements, and document the specific or current work practices as policy.

Requirements are not architecture. Requirements are not design, nor are they the user interface. Requirements are need.

Just One More Wafer-Thin Mint…

Many project failures are blamed on an increase in scope—also known as feature bloat, creeping featurism, or requirements creep. This is an aspect of the boiled-frog syndrome from Topic 4, Stone Soup and Boiled Frogs. What can we do to prevent requirements from creeping up on us?

The answer (again) is feedback. If you're working with the client in iterations with constant feedback, then the client will experience first-hand the impact of “just one more feature.” They'll see another story card go up on the board, and they'll get to help choose another card to move into the next iteration to make room. Feedback works both ways.

Maintain a Glossary

As soon as you start discussing requirements, users and domain experts will use certain terms that have specific meaning to them. They may differentiate between a “client” and a “customer,” for example. It would then be inappropriate to use either word casually in the system.

Create and maintain a project glossary—one place that defines all the specific terms and vocabulary used in a project. All participants in the project, from end users to support staff, should use the glossary to ensure consistency. This implies that the glossary needs to be widely accessible—a good argument for online documentation.

Tip 80: Use a Project Glossary

It's hard to succeed on a project if users and developers call the same thing by different names or, even worse, refer to different things by the same name.

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Exercise 33 (possible answer)

Which of the following are probably genuine requirements? Restate those that are not to make them more useful (if possible).

  1. The response time must be less than ~500ms.
  2. Modal windows will have a gray background.
  3. The application will be organized as a number of front-end processes and a back-end server.
  4. If a user enters non-numeric characters in a numeric field, the system will flash the field background and not accept them.
  5. The code and data for this embedded application must fit within 32Mb.


Topic 46. Solving Impossible Puzzles

Gordius, the King of Phrygia, once tied a knot that no one could untie. It was said that whoever solved the riddle of the Gordian Knot would rule all of Asia. So along comes Alexander the Great, who chops the knot to bits with his sword. Just a little different interpretation of the requirements, that's all…. And he did end up ruling most of Asia.

Every now and again, you will find yourself embroiled in the middle of a project when a really tough puzzle comes up: some piece of engineering that you just can't get a handle on, or perhaps some bit of code that is turning out to be much harder to write than you thought. Maybe it looks impossible. But is it really as hard as it seems?

Consider real-world puzzles—those devious little bits of wood, wrought iron, or plastic that seem to turn up as Christmas presents or at garage sales. All you have to do is remove the ring, or fit the T-shaped pieces in the box, or whatever.

So you pull on the ring, or try to put the Ts in the box, and quickly discover that the obvious solutions just don't work. The puzzle can't be solved that way. But even though it's obvious, that doesn't stop people from trying the same thing—over and over—thinking there must be a way.

Of course, there isn't. The solution lies elsewhere. The secret to solving the puzzle is to identify the real (not imagined) constraints, and find a solution therein. Some constraints are absolute; others are merely preconceived notions. Absolute constraints must be honored, however distasteful or stupid they may appear to be.

On the other hand, as Alexander proved, some apparent constraints may not be real constraints at all. Many software problems can be just as sneaky.

Degrees of Freedom

The popular buzz-phrase “thinking outside the box” encourages us to recognize constraints that might not be applicable and to ignore them. But this phrase isn't entirely accurate. If the “box” is the boundary of constraints and conditions, then the trick is to find the box, which may be considerably larger than you think.

The key to solving puzzles is both to recognize the constraints placed on you and to recognize the degrees of freedom you do have, for in those you'll find your solution. This is why some puzzles are so effective; you may dismiss potential solutions too readily.

For example, can you connect all of the dots in the following puzzle and return to the starting point with just three straight lines—without lifting your pen from the paper or retracing your steps (Math Puzzles & Games [Hol92])?

Four dots are shown.

You must challenge any preconceived notions and evaluate whether or not they are real, hard-and-fast constraints.

It's not whether you think inside the box or outside the box. The problem lies in finding the box—identifying the real constraints.

Tip 81: Don't Think Outside the Box—Find the Box

When faced with an intractable problem, enumerate all the possible avenues you have before you. Don't dismiss anything, no matter how unusable or stupid it sounds. Now go through the list and explain why a certain path cannot be taken. Are you sure? Can you prove it?

Consider the Trojan horse—a novel solution to an intractable problem. How do you get troops into a walled city without being discovered? You can bet that “through the front door” was initially dismissed as suicide.

Categorize and prioritize your constraints. When woodworkers begin a project, they cut the longest pieces first, then cut the smaller pieces out of the remaining wood. In the same manner, we want to identify the most restrictive constraints first, and fit the remaining constraints within them.

By the way, a solution to the Four Posts puzzle is shown at the end of the book.

Get Out of Your Own Way!

Sometimes you will find yourself working on a problem that seems much harder than you thought it should be. Maybe it feels like you're going down the wrong path—that there must be an easier way than this! Perhaps you are running late on the schedule now, or even despair of ever getting the system to work because this particular problem is “impossible.”

This is an ideal time to do something else for a while. Work on something different. Go walk the dog. Sleep on it.

Your conscious brain is aware of the problem, but your conscious brain is really pretty dumb (no offense). So it's time to give your real brain, that amazing associative neural net that lurks below your consciousness, some space. You'll be amazed how often the answer will just pop into your head when you deliberately distract yourself.

If that sounds too mystical for you, it isn't. Psychology Today[72] reports:

To put it plainly—people who were distracted did better on a complex problem-solving task than people who put in conscious effort.

If you're still not willing to drop the problem for a while, the next best thing is probably finding someone to explain it to. Often, the distraction of simply talking about it will lead you to enlightenment.

Have them ask you questions such as:

This is another example of Rubber Ducking in practice.

Fortune Favors the Prepared Mind

Louis Pasteur is reported to have said:

Dans les champs de l'observation le hasard ne favorise que les esprits préparés.
(When it comes to observation, fortune favors the prepared mind.)

That is true for problem solving, too. In order to have those eureka! moments, your nonconscious brain needs to have plenty of raw material; prior experiences that can contribute to an answer.

A great way to feed your brain is to give it feedback on what works and what doesn't work as you do your daily job. And we describe a great way to do that using an Engineering Daybook (Topic 22, Engineering Daybooks).

And always remember the advice on the cover of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: DON'T PANIC.

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Topic 47. Working Together

I've never met a human being who would want to read 17,000 pages of documentation, and if there was, I'd kill him to get him out of the gene pool.

Joseph Costello, President of Cadence

It was one of those “impossible” projects, the kind you hear about that sounds both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. An ancient system was approaching end-of-life, the hardware was physically going away, and a brand-new system had to be crafted that would match the (often undocumented) behavior exactly. Many hundreds of millions of dollars of other people's money would pass through this system, and the deadline from inception to deployment was on the order of months.

And that is where Andy and Dave first met. An impossible project with a ridiculous deadline. There was only one thing that made the project a roaring success. The expert who had managed this system for years was sitting right there in her office, just across the hall from our broom closet–sized development room. Continuously available for questions, clarifications, decisions, and demos.

Throughout this book we recommend working closely with users; they are part of your team. On that first project together, we practiced what now might be called pair programming or mob programming: one person typing code while one or more other team members comment, ponder, and solve problems together. It's a powerful way of working together that transcends endless meetings, memos, and overstuffed legalistic documentation prized for weight over usefulness.

And that's what we really mean by “working with”: not just asking questions, having discussions, and taking notes, but asking questions and having discussions while you're actually coding.

Pair Programming

Pair programming is one of the practices of eXtreme Programming that has become popular outside of XP itself. In pair programming, one developer operates the keyboard, and the other does not. Both work on the problem together, and can switch typing duties as needed.

There are many benefits to pair programming. Different people bring different backgrounds and experience, different problem-solving techniques and approaches, and differing levels of focus and attention to any given problem. The developer acting as typist must focus on the low-level details of syntax and coding style, while the other developer is free to consider higher-level issues and scope. While that might sound like a small distinction, remember that we humans have only so much brain bandwidth. Fiddling around with typing esoteric words and symbols that the compiler will grudgingly accept takes a fair bit of our own processing power. Having a second developer's full brain available during the task brings a lot more mental power to bear.

The inherent peer-pressure of a second person helps against moments of weakness and bad habits of naming variables foo and such. You're less inclined to take a potentially embarrassing shortcut when someone is actively watching, which also results in higher-quality software.

Mob Programming

And if two heads are better than one, what about having a dozen diverse people all working on the same problem at the same time, with one typist?

Mob programming, despite the name, does not involve torches or pitchforks. It's an extension of pair programming that involves more than just two developers. Proponents report great results using mobs to solve hard problems. Mobs can easily include people not usually considered part of the development team, including users, project sponsors, and testers. In fact, in our first “impossible” project together, it was a common sight for one of us to be typing while the other discussed the issue with our business expert. It was a small mob of three.

You might think of mob programming as tight collaboration with live coding.

What Should I Do?

If you're currently only programming solo, maybe try pair programming. Give it a minimum of two weeks, only a few hours at a time, as it will feel strange at first. To brainstorm new ideas or diagnose thorny issues, perhaps try a mob programming session.

If you are already pairing or mobbing, who's included? Is it just developers, or do you allow members of your extended team to participate: users, testers, sponsors…?

And as with all collaboration, you need to manage the human aspects of it as well as the technical. Here are just a few tips to get started:

Coding in the same office or remote, alone, in pairs, or in mobs, are all effective ways of working together to solve problems. If you and your team have only ever done it one way, you might want to experiment with a different style. But don't just jump in with a naive approach: there are rules, suggestions, and guidelines for each of these development styles. For instance, with mob programming you swap out the typist every 5-10 minutes.

Do some reading and research, from both textbook and experience reports, and get a feel for the advantages and pitfalls you may encounter. You might want to start by coding a simple exercise, and not just jump straight into your toughest production code.

But however you go about it, let us suggest one final piece of advice:

Tip 82: Don't Go into the Code Alone

Topic 48. The Essence of Agility

You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride

Agile is an adjective: it's how you do something. You can be an agile developer. You can be on a team that adopts agile practices, a team that responds to change and setbacks with agility. Agility is your style, not you.

Tip 83: Agile Is Not a Noun; Agile Is How You Do Things

As we write this, almost 20 years after the inception of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development,[73] we see many, many developers successfully applying its values. We see many fantastic teams who find ways to take these values and use them to guide what they do, and how they change what they do.

But we also see another side of agility. We see teams and companies eager for off-the-shelf solutions: Agile-in-a-Box. And we see many consultants and companies all too happy to sell them what they want. We see companies adopting more layers of management, more formal reporting, more specialized developers, and more fancy job titles which just mean “someone with a clipboard and a stopwatch.”[74]

We feel that many people have lost sight of the true meaning of agility, and we'd like to see folks return to the basics.

Remember the values from the manifesto:

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

Anyone selling you something that increases the importance on things on the right over things on the left clearly doesn't value the same things that we and the other manifesto writers did.

And anyone selling you a solution-in-a-box hasn't read the introductory statement. The values are motivated and informed by the continuous act of uncovering better ways to produce software. This is not a static document. It's suggestions for a generative process.

There Can Never Be an Agile Process

In fact, whenever someone says “do this, and you'll be agile,” they are wrong. By definition.

Because agility, both in the physical world and in software development, is all about responding to change, responding to the unknowns you encounter after you set out. A running gazelle doesn't go in a straight line. A gymnast makes hundreds of corrections a second as they respond to changes in their environment and minor errors in their foot placement.

So it is with teams and individual developers. There is no single plan you can follow when you develop software. Three of the four values tell you that. They're all about gathering and responding to feedback.

The values don't tell you what to do. They tell you what to look for when you decide for yourself what to do.

These decisions are always contextual: they depend on who you are, the nature of your team, your application, your tooling, your company, your customer, the outside world; an incredibly large number of factors, some major and some trivial. No fixed, static plan can survive this uncertainty.

So What Do We Do?

No one can tell you what to do. But we think we can tell you something about the spirit with which you do it. It all boils down to how you deal with uncertainty. The manifesto suggests that you do this by gathering and acting on feedback. So here's our recipe for working in an agile way:

1. Work out where you are.

2. Make the smallest meaningful step towards where you want to be.

3. Evaluate where you end up, and fix anything you broke.

Repeat these steps until you're done. And use them recursively, at every level of everything you do.

Sometimes even the most trivial-seeming decision becomes important when you gather feedback.

“Now my code needs to get the account owner.

​let​ user = accountOwner(accountID);

Hmmm… user is a useless name. I'll make it owner.

​let​ owner = accountOwner(accountID);

But now that feels a little redundant. What am I actually trying to do here? The story says that I'm sending this person an email, so I need to find their email address. Maybe I don't need the whole account owner at all.

​let​ email = emailOfAccountOwner(accountID);

By applying the feedback loop at a really low level (the naming of a variable) we've actually improved the design of the overall system, reducing the coupling between this code and the code that deals with accounts.

The feedback loop also applies at the highest level of a project. Some of our most successful work has happened when we started working on a client's requirements, took a single step, and realized that what we were about to do wasn't necessary, that the best solution didn't even involve software.

This loop applies outside the scope of a single project. Teams should apply it to review their process and how well it worked. A team that doesn't continuously experiment with their process is not an agile team.

And This Drives Design

In Topic 8, The Essence of Good Design we assert that the measure of design is how easy the result of that design is to change: a good design produces something that's easier to change than a bad design.

And this discussion about agility explains why that's the case.

You make a change, and discover you don't like it. Step 3 in our list says we have to be able to fix what we break. To make our feedback loop efficient, this fix has to be as painless as possible. If it isn't, we'll be tempted to shrug it off and leave it unfixed. We talk about this effect in Topic 3, Software Entropy. To make this whole agile thing work, we need to practice good design, because good design makes things easy to change. And if it's easy to change, we can adjust, at every level, without any hesitation.

That is agility.

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The simple feedback loop isn't just for software. Think of other decisions you've made recently. Could any of them have been improved by thinking about how you might be able to undo them if things didn't take you in the direction you were going? Can you think of ways you can improve what you do by gathering and acting on feedback?

[70]Does a week sound like a long time? It really isn't, particularly when you're looking at processes in which management and workers occupy different worlds. Management will give you one view of how things operate, but when you get down on the floor, you'll find a very different reality—one that will take time to assimilate.




[74]For more on just how bad that approach can be, see The Tyranny of Metrics [Mul18].