Jason Pan

潘忠显 / 2021-04-10

“JavaScript 工作原理”系列文章是翻译和整理自 SessionStack 网站的 How JavaScript works。因为博文发表于2017年,部分技术或信息可能已经过时。本文英文原文链接,作者 Alexander Zlatkov,翻译 潘忠显

How JavaScript works: tracking changes in the DOM using MutationObserver

这是致力于探索JavaScript及其构建组件的系列文章的第10章。在确定和描述核心元素的过程中,我们还分享了一些在构建[SessionStack]时使用的经验法则(https://www.sessionstack.com/?utm_source=medium&utm_medium=blog&utm_content=javascript-series-push-notifications -intro),这是一个JavaScript应用程序,需要强大且高效能,以帮助用户实时查看和再现其Web应用程序缺陷。

This is post # 10 of the series dedicated to exploring JavaScript and its building components. In the process of identifying and describing the core elements, we also share some rules of thumb we use when building SessionStack, a JavaScript application that needs to be robust and highly-performant to help users see and reproduce their web app defects real-time.






Web apps are getting increasingly heavy on the client-side, due to many reasons such as the need of a richer UI to accommodate what more complex apps have to offer, real-time calculations, and so on.

The increased complexity makes it harder to know the exact state of the UI at every given moment during the lifecycle of your web app.

This gets even harder if you’re building some kind of a framework or just a library, for example, that has to react and perform certain actions that are dependent on the DOM.


MutationObserver is a Web API provided by modern browsers for detecting changes in the DOM. With this API one can listen to newly added or removed nodes, attribute changes or changes in the text content of text nodes.

Why would you want to do that?

There are quite a few cases in which the MutationObserver API can come really handy. For instance:

[MutationObserver](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MutationObserver)是现代浏览器提供的Web API,用于检测DOM中的更改。使用此API,可以侦听新添加或删除的节点,属性更改或文本节点的文本内容更改。


在很多情况下,MutationObserver API确实非常有用。例如:

-您想通知您的Web应用程序访问者,他当前所在的页面已发生某些更改。 -您正在开发一个新的高级JavaScript框架,该框架会根据DOM的变化动态加载JavaScript模块。 -您可能正在使用所见即所得的编辑器,试图实现撤消/重做功能。通过使用MutationObserver API,您可以随时了解已进行的更改,因此可以轻松地撤消它们。


These are just a few examples of how the MutationObserver can be of help.


How to use MutationObserver



Implementing MutationObserver into your app is rather easy. You need to create a MutationObserver instance by passing it a function that would be called every time a mutation has occurred. The first argument of the function is a collection of all mutations which have occurred in a single batch. Each mutation provides information about its type and the changes which have occurred.

var mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
  mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {


-observe-开始倾听变化。接受两个参数-您要观察的DOM节点和一个设置对象 -disconnect-停止监听更改 -takeRecords-返回触发回调之前的最后一批更改。


The created object has three methods:

The following snippet shows how to start observing:

// Starts listening for changes in the root HTML element of the page.
mutationObserver.observe(document.documentElement, {
  attributes: true,
  characterData: true,
  childList: true,
  subtree: true,
  attributeOldValue: true,
  characterDataOldValue: true


Now, let’s say that you have some very simple div in the DOM:

<div id="sample-div" class="test"> Simple div </div>


Using jQuery, you canremove the class attribute from that div:


当我们开始观察时,在调用mutationObserver.observe(...)之后,我们将在相应[MutationRecord](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/ docs / Web / API / MutationRecord):

As we have started observing, after calling mutationObserver.observe(...) we’re going to see a log in the console of the respective MutationRecord:


这是由于删除“ class”属性引起的变异。


This is the mutation caused by removing the class attribute.

And finally, in order to stop observing the DOM after the job is done, you can do the following:

// Stops the MutationObserver from listening for changes.


Nowadays, the MutationObserver is widely supported:





The MutationObserver, however, has not always been around. So what did developers resort to before the MutationObserver came along?


-投票 -** MutationEvents ** -** CSS动画**

There are a few other options available:



最简单,最简单的方法是通过轮询。使用浏览器setInterval WebAPI,您可以设置一个任务,该任务将定期检查是否发生了任何更改。自然,此方法会大大降低Web应用程序/网站的性能。

The simplest and most unsophisticated way was by polling. Using the browser setInterval WebAPI you can set up a task that would periodically check if any changes have occurred. Naturally, this method significantly degrades web app/website performance.


在2000年,引入了[MutationEvents API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/Events/Mutation_events)。尽管有用,但对DOM中的每个更改都会触发突变事件,这又会导致性能问题。如今,不推荐使用“ MutationEvents” API,不久之后,现代浏览器将完全不再支持它。


In the year 2000, the MutationEvents API was introduced. Albeit useful, mutation events are fired on every single change in the DOM which again causes performance issues. Nowadays the MutationEvents API has been deprecated, and soon modern browsers will stop supporting it altogether.

This is the browser support for MutationEvents:



一种有些奇怪的替代方法是依靠[CSS动画](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Animations/Using_CSS_animations)。这听起来可能有些混乱。基本上,该想法是创建一个动画,一旦将元素添加到DOM,就会触发该动画。动画开始的那一刻,就会触发“ animationstart”事件:如果您向该事件附加了事件处理程序,则可以确切知道何时将元素添加到DOM。动画的执行时间应该太短,以至于用户几乎看不见它。

A somewhat strange alternative is one that relies on CSS animations. It might sound a bit confusing. Basically, the idea is to create an animation which would be triggered once an element has been added to the DOM. The moment the animation starts, the animationstart event will be fired: if you have attached an event handler to that event, you’d know exactly when the element has been added to the DOM. The animation’s execution time period should be so small that it’s practically invisible to the user.


First, we need a parent element, inside which, we’d like to listen to node insertions:

<div id=”container-element”></div>

In order to get a handle on node insertion, we need to set up a series of keyframe animations which will start when the node is inserted:


@keyframes nodeInserted { 
 from { opacity: 0.99; }
 to { opacity: 1; } 


With the keyframes created, the animation needs to be applied on the elements you’d like to listen for. Note the small durations — they are relaxing the animation footprint in the browser:

#container-element * {
 animation-duration: 0.001s;
 animation-name: nodeInserted;

这会将动画添加到“ container-element”的所有子节点。动画结束时,将触发插入事件。

我们需要一个JavaScript函数来充当事件监听器。在该函数中,必须对“ event.animationName”进行初始检查,以确保它是我们想要的动画。

This adds the animation to all child nodes of the container-element. When the animation ends, the insertion event will fire.

We need a JavaScript function which will act as the event listener. Within the function, the initial event.animationName check must be made to ensure it’s the animation we want.

var insertionListener = function(event) {
  // Making sure that this is the animation we want.
  if (event.animationName === "nodeInserted") {
    console.log("Node has been inserted: " + event.target);

Now it’s time to add the event listener to the parent:


document.addEventListener(animationstart, insertionListener, false); // standard + firefox
document.addEventListener(MSAnimationStart, insertionListener, false); // IE
document.addEventListener(webkitAnimationStart, insertionListener, false); // Chrome + Safari


This is the browser support for CSS animations:


与上述解决方案相比,“ MutationObserver”具有许多优点。从本质上讲,它涵盖了DOM中可能发生的每一项更改,并且它可以批量触发更改,因此可以进行更好的优化。最重要的是,所有主要的现代浏览器都支持“ MutationObserver”,以及一些在后台使用“ MutationEvents”的polyfill。

MutationObserver offers a number of advantages over the above-mentioned solutions. In essence, it covers every single change that can possibly occur in the DOM and it’s way more optimized as it fires the changes in batches. On top of it, MutationObserver is supported by all major modern browsers, along with a couple of polyfills which use MutationEvents under the hood.

“ MutationObserver”在[SessionStack](https://www.sessionstack.com/?utm_source=medium&utm_medium=blog&utm_content=mutation-observer-post)的库中占据中心位置。


MutationObserver occupies a central position in SessionStack’s library.

Once you integrate the SessionStack’s library in your web app, it starts collecting data such as DOM changes, network requests, exceptions, debug messages, etc. and sends it to our servers., SessionStack uses this data to recreate everything that happened to your users and show your product issues the same way they happened to your users. Quite a few users think that SessionStack records an actual video — it doesn’t. Recording an actual video is very heavy, while the small amount of data we gather is very lightweight and doesn’t impact the UX and performance of your web app.
